The time of day and location, fuck...could of been so much worse. Hope the guy is in a considerable amount of pain right now.
The time of day and location, fuck...could of been so much worse. Hope the guy is in a considerable amount of pain right now.
Yeah with Brussels attack fresh in mind this could have been so much worse. I hope he suffers but I do hope he lives so he can be trailed and spent the rest of his live behind bars.
Yeah with Brussels attack fresh in mind this could have been so much worse. I hope he suffers but I do hope he lives so he can be trailed and spent the rest of his live behind bars.
I hope he lives, death was what he wished for by strapping a bomb to himself. I want to deny that wish and make him live with a life long disability in a jail cell.
I hope he lives, death was what he wished for by strapping a bomb to himself. I want to deny that wish and make him live with a life long disability in a jail cell.
Thank fucking god something went wrong or missfired leaving only 1 injured victim