I feel like this type of thing has become so common, that we're desensitized to it.
30 years ago it was unthinkable, now it is unsurprising.

When Columbine happened, and 911, both blew my fucking mind. Now things exploding or mass shootings hardly phase me.
I can choose between Muslims blowing up in the cities, or rednecks shooting up the rural areas, where do I go for safety?

[–] registereduser 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Rednecks don't do that. That faggot in Texas was NOT a redneck.

It was a redneck that stopped him.

Good point. I had considered using the more accurate term of 'nutjob' but I wanted to indicate a rural-dwelling shooter.
Maybe I should have gone with insane-redneck, or broken-redneck.

Nothing wrong with rednecks, but when a country-boy loses his marbles, he tends to have access to a number of firearms, and it doesn't go well for the neighborhood.
In those cases it is a mental health issue, not political or religious terrorism. Which makes it a very different beast than the urban islamic violence.
But it still means there's nowhere safe anymore.