tldr; packers basically introduced the vikings' horn to try to get the always unenthusiastic crowd to do something, it went very unappreciated, looks like the best counter idea is to replace it with a loud cow moo.
i guess its better but not by much and it sure isn't going to get the fans going. only interesting football does that.
tldr; packers basically introduced the vikings' horn to try to get the always unenthusiastic crowd to do something, it went very unappreciated, looks like the best counter idea is to replace it with a loud cow moo.
i guess its better but not by much and it sure isn't going to get the fans going. only interesting football does that.
tldr; packers basically introduced the vikings' horn to try to get the always unenthusiastic crowd to do something, it went very unappreciated, looks like the best counter idea is to replace it with a loud cow moo.
i guess its better but not by much and it sure isn't going to get the fans going. only interesting football does that.