[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

I remember one time for my company, I was making a delivery to Michael's Men's Club, which is (obviously) a strip club. Well, the owner, who was going to write the check for the delivery was in a meeting, so I had to wait for a little while. Eventually this song started, and a few of the girls was starting to dance a little to it, because I think they thought it was the original, Ridin' Dirty, but then the lyric landed, "...I know it's because I'm white and nerdy", and the girls broke up laughing. I don't think they were expecting it. While I was waiting, the owner's son brought me to the bar and said to the bartender to just get me whatever I liked; I was on the clock, so I just got water.

Eventually I got to see Michael, and while he was writing out the check, I told him this was my jam. :p

I thought it was pretty nifty they would play this song in there; my wife and I have contemplated going together, particularly as I saw they have a chicken and swiss sandwich for something like $6.95, a completely reasonable price. But neither of us are big drinkers or big fans of strip clubs, so we haven't been.