[–] PMYA 0 points (+0|-0)

I think thats going a bit far. Anything that pulls in over a billion dollars is clearly not a cinematic disaster.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 3 points (+3|-0)

It was a failure. The only reason it made that much money was because of die hard SW fans and the fact that they used that dumb movie formula that continues to turn just about any movie into a blockbuster. In case you're doubting that, take a look at Star Trek 2009 and Star Trek Into Darkness. The big reveal of the Enterprise happens at almost the exact same time (around the 38 minute mark). And while I don't have a copy of TLJ handy to check (and hence delete all this nonsense), I'm willing to bet that there's some kind of big reveal in TLJ between 35 and 40 minutes. I'm curious if anyone who has a copy can confirm that.

In any case, every male was stupid. Every female was leader or smart or weirdly talented. The Star Wars franchise is not the kind of place inject PC and identity politics. People just want a Star Wars story without the nonsense we have in real life because it's supposed to be a fictional "real life" that is an escape. But there it is, being smeared in our faces.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

I've heard people say that about the new films, but honestly haven't noticed any of it at all. I would say the reverse is probably true. People are applying politics to it themselves.

I thought the first in the new trilogy was alright, rogue one was great and the last one not so much. It had a variety of bad plot choices and was ultimately mediocre. But still, calling it a disaster is a stretch.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

I'm not sure I agree with you. I can understand how one might come to those conclusions but at some point, you have to look at the 4 movies Disney has put out in the series and note that these types of changes are consistent across all those timelines. I can forgive, say, Rogue One, because it's completely believable. But turning Luke into whatever it is you want to call it, the Mary Sue aspect, and so on. I'm not even going on about killing the original characters because you about have to in order to make the story about the new characters. But ... meh.