[–] Boukert [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

It was a total mess apart from the lore breaking alone, shallow characters without any development, poor story-development, a very poorly implemented and totally out of tone intermezzo on the casiono planet....... a very poor and idiot ending..... I mean why are they happy while their fleet has just been destroyed and they are down to a handful of rebels on the small millenium falcon?? seriously why are they happy????? I felt so shitty walking out of the theater...

Ratings and reviews sure haven't been what it used to be. I can't fathom how TLJ still got a 7.2 on IMDB and even a goddamn 91% on rottentomatoes ...... I mean really.... I used to respect their ratings a decade ago but i'm guessing all the film reviewers are being payed by studios these days.... a motherfucking 91% while audience gave it a 46%.......

"Quality reporting" like this you mean? https://mashable.com/2018/06/03/star-wars-women-more/?europe=true

But on the other hand, here's a counterfactual to ponder: What if Disney CEO Bob Iger had greenlit a movie about young Leia Organa instead of young Han Solo?

In the era where Wonder Woman ($820 million international box office) outperformed every other DC movie, the era of badass princesses in Frozen and Moana and Beauty and the Beast, does anyone doubt that a prequel about the original badass Princess of Alderaan would have lured more people into the theater than a prequel about the no-name kid from Corellia?

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I also question the ratings. I remember reading something about negative reviews being removed because they were viewed as spam.

That article is cancer, and there are plenty more like it.

No one has a problem with good female characters. Ahsoka Tano is female and she is one of my favorite characters, not because she is female, but because Dave Filoni actually knows how to make a character and understands what Star Wars is about.

If you can make a good Leia movie, do it! There is plenty about Leia in the EU, and some of it is quite good, but that doesn't have anything to do with some of the crap you're putting out now.

[–] Boukert [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I reckon reporters are either on a paylist or they are afraid to lose their credentials for studio viewings if they give negative reviews. (would be very disney-like) Makes these "reviewers" nothing but propaganda machines..... (we have this dutch "critic" that never gave a bad review in his life.... gets to interview all the stars tho...) Deleting negative reviews as spam.....I was wondering why the reviews shown where all hallelujah praises... rotten tomatoes has gotten even worse then i thought.

No one has a problem with good female characters. Ahsoka Tano is female and she is one of my favorite characters, not because she is female, but because Dave Filoni actually knows how to make a character and understands what Star Wars is about.

This in general. Ripley in Alien, Sarah Connor in terminator, Nikita in "la femme nikita", Lelu multipass, Hannah etc etc etc I don't mind if the lead is a transgender, black, muslim, cripple with autism, the measles and has a speech impediment.... if the story is good , the director loves the script and the character development is believable within the story-world I'll watch the shit out of that movie. I really don't give a shit, just make it believable and entertaining, instead of this illogical inconsistent, poor-ass garbage. They've done the same to star trek btw... haters also got accused for bigotry...... for being critical to an obviously flawed storyline, character development and deviating from "core heratige" ......