[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I was actually strongly considering talking about this at some point; I have a copy of the PDF on my computer, and these rules are quite excellent at

  • Allowing you meaningful choices for strategy in battle
  • Quickly resolving fights
  • Keeping track of losses and overall force strength
  • Allowing individuals to shine through (if that's important - like a showdown between Rommel and Patton where their own uniqueness can have some effect on the battle)

I will break it down for everyone in another post when I get home. I ran a mock battle with some friends and really enjoyed it! It was a Technology Level (TL) 3 force, which is roughly middle ages to Renaissance. We would likely be in TL 6 for the early part and then into TL 7 for the later part, if we went with @PMYA's historical option.

Modern would be TL 8.

EDIT: This is from 1993, which I believe was in 3rd edition. They published a PDF with mass combat rules for any time period in 4th edition, which is what I have. While I can't publish the whole book (although sharing it may be an option cough cough), I can run down the gist of it and how you can also easily incorporate units regardless of their makeup, organization, equipment, or other quirks that are hard to account for in some systems.

EDIT 2: After a quick skim of the link @Redviiper provided, the rules I have in the PDF are quite different overall; I believe they're more comprehensive and useful and can more easily be adapted to our use for Modern Powers.