Like the header says, we will be seeing if we can start a season on phuks in the near future.

As most of us are busy with setting up the shizzle atm. This will expected to take atleast 1-2 months before we could start thinking about a proper game. We would need a good userpool on phuks to make this a viable season for one.

In the meantime:

  • We are welcome for any ideas and suggestions.

  • Could use a few new moderators up for the task of setting up the new season and adjust the rules.

  • Enjoy and help expand phuks.co

With regards,


Like the header says, we will be seeing if we can start a season on phuks in the near future. As most of us are busy with setting up the shizzle atm. This will expected to take atleast 1-2 months before we could start thinking about a proper game. We would need a good userpool on phuks to make this a viable season for one. In the meantime: - We are welcome for any ideas and suggestions. - Could use a few new moderators up for the task of setting up the new season and adjust the rules. - Enjoy and help expand phuks.co With regards, Boukert


[–] Crushric 1 points (+1|-0) 8 years ago

Well, I suppose that then whenever we get this ball rolling, hopefully I won't have drowned in spring coursework and can attend season 3. Hello, by the way!