Soundtrack for post

Greetings all fogein dignitaries and elected officials, I am groomzilla, jarl of Sweden. I have been elected in a landslide victory by the glorious people of Sweden as their new Jarl and King.

My mandate is simple. I will remove kebab.

The beautiful people of Sweden are tired of being a laughing stock of a nation, run by self hating socialist and nefarious bankers the world over.

We will immediately being the reeducation of all kebab. They are expected to renounce their faith and convert to Christianity immediately, refusal will result in execution, with their remains thrown into the pit of swine blood. Compliance will be rewarded with a one way trip back to their country of origin. Any persons not of natural Swedish decent found in Sweden shall be tortured and killed. We will also be constructing a Great Wall of ice and snow, which shall be guarded by all criminals and miscreants.

We recognize the sovereign nations of Greenland, our Nordic brothers, and the nation of Palestine, may Odin be on your side in the war again the evil Israelis.

We hereby cancel all trade deals with the United States, as we suspect their nation is little more than an Israeli puppet. All goods and services will be hereby reallocated to China in exchange for military support and a no-immigration policy.

We also hereby recognize the third reich as the ruling party of Germany.

We look forward to prosperous trade deals with all European countries and Asian countries.

To all the people of Sweden, thank you for your support. 79% of all swedes have voted for the party. And we will make sure you are no longer a society of cucks and goys, but the warrior nation of old.

Praise Odin, and praise Sweden.

#[Soundtrack for post](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocW3fBqPQkU) Greetings all fogein dignitaries and elected officials, I am groomzilla, jarl of Sweden. I have been elected in a landslide victory by the glorious people of Sweden as their new Jarl and King. My mandate is simple. I will remove kebab. The beautiful people of Sweden are tired of being a laughing stock of a nation, run by self hating socialist and nefarious bankers the world over. We will immediately being the reeducation of all kebab. They are expected to renounce their faith and convert to Christianity immediately, refusal will result in execution, with their remains thrown into the pit of swine blood. Compliance will be rewarded with a one way trip back to their country of origin. Any persons not of natural Swedish decent found in Sweden shall be tortured and killed. We will also be constructing a Great Wall of ice and snow, which shall be guarded by all criminals and miscreants. We recognize the sovereign nations of Greenland, our Nordic brothers, and the nation of Palestine, may Odin be on your side in the war again the evil Israelis. We hereby cancel all trade deals with the United States, as we suspect their nation is little more than an Israeli puppet. All goods and services will be hereby reallocated to China in exchange for military support and a no-immigration policy. We also hereby recognize the third reich as the ruling party of Germany. We look forward to prosperous trade deals with all European countries and Asian countries. To all the people of Sweden, thank you for your support. 79% of all swedes have voted for the party. And we will make sure you are no longer a society of cucks and goys, but the warrior nation of old. Praise Odin, and praise Sweden.


[–] Crushric 5 points (+5|-0) 8 years ago

We also hereby recognize the third reich as the ruling party of Germany.

If only the claim had gone through! Sweden was the last step in Steiner winning once and for all! +10 Germany posts a day to victory, comrades.

[–] PMYA [OP] 4 points (+4|-0) 8 years ago

This claim was submitted during the very early days of MP. Everything was way more lenient then because we hadn't had a lot of issues with posts before. The funny part about this post is he only lost me at "We will also be constructing a Great Wall of ice and snow, which shall be guarded by all criminals and miscreants."

I was perfectly willing to let him be Jarl Groomzilla until he went all Game of Thrones on us.