Here's the Windows setup vid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisXQYtizhE

  • Go here and download the miner - https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/releases

  • Save the "xmrig.exe" somewhere, create a shortcut to it

  • Open the shortcut properties and edit the target. You need to put quotes around the existing location, then add a space, then paste the flags

  • These flags control the miner:

--print-time=15 --donate-level=1 --safe -t 1 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://bas.phuks.co:8888 -u x -p USERNAME

  • Change the "-t 1" to adjust the mining threads, if you have a four core computer, "-t 3" will probably be your highest setting. "-t 1" is the lowest setting. In the demo, I'm using a 4 core system, so by setting it to "-t 2" I'm using half of my power

  • Also change the USERNAME after the "-p" to your Phuks username to get your score on the leaderboard. You can leave it alone or change to "x" to remain anon

The local miner allows you to donate your cpu time to Phuks without needing to waste energy on running a browser tab. This is the most efficient way. So far we're seeing 2-4x the rates compared to the browser.

You can now launch that shortcut then minimize the miner. At any time, you can close the window, and the miner will stop completely. This was a fresh install of Windows so all user account popup warnings are on.

Here's the Windows setup vid - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisXQYtizhE - Go here and download the miner - https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/releases - Save the "xmrig.exe" somewhere, create a shortcut to it - Open the shortcut properties and edit the target. You need to put quotes around the existing location, then add a space, then paste the flags - These flags control the miner: `--print-time=15 --donate-level=1 --safe -t 1 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://bas.phuks.co:8888 -u x -p USERNAME` - Change the "-t 1" to adjust the mining threads, if you have a four core computer, "-t 3" will probably be your highest setting. "-t 1" is the lowest setting. In the demo, I'm using a 4 core system, so by setting it to "-t 2" I'm using half of my power - Also change the USERNAME after the "-p" to your Phuks username to get your score on the leaderboard. You can leave it alone or change to "x" to remain anon The local miner allows you to donate your cpu time to Phuks without needing to waste energy on running a browser tab. This is the most efficient way. So far we're seeing 2-4x the rates compared to the browser. You can now launch that shortcut then minimize the miner. At any time, you can close the window, and the miner will stop completely. This was a fresh install of Windows so all user account popup warnings are on.


[–] Violentlight 2 points (+2|-0)

I have still been using the browser one. But the leaderboards reset. I am no longer able to show up on them. It literally just shows a top 9 instead of putting me on there. So I'm not sure if mines even registering?

The leaderboard was reset a couple times when they migrated to the new pool.
I checked, and you were still not showing, but when I refreshed the page, your name appeared. Whatever it was, looks like it's fixed now.