Hi guys. Tonight while fiddling with some scripts, I found a native miner for pr0gramm's miner that I proceeded to adapt to the system we're using (coinhive).
What you'll need: - git - node and npm (try to get the latest version) - xmrig or any other cryptonight miner
Setup (for Linux, pembo might have instructions for Windows):
1. git clone https://github.com/Polsaker/phuks-miner-native
2. cd phuks-miner-native/xm
3. npm install
5. Download xmrig or any other suitable miner
6. Launch the miner, make sure it's using the cryptonight
algo and pointing to stratum+tcp://
(it accepts any user/password credentials).
An example of the last step so you only have to copy and paste is ./xmrig --print-time=15 --max-cpu-usage=100 -t 2 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u x -p x
. This will run 2 threads at 100%
FAQ: - This won't expose your IP to us, but it will expose it to the coinhive guys (it already does if you're using the Phuks miner) - No, using a VPN won't really slow it down. This doesn't require extraordinary bandwidth. - Pembo noted earlier on IRC that this algo requires 2MB of CPU cache memory per thread, so if you're not noticing an increase in hashing rate despite adding more threads (while you have some unused cores) this is probably the reason - We'll might make some tutorials/automate the instalation process soon™
EDIT: Automagic one-liner installer and autowhatever made by /u/monoxane
wget https://files.monoxane.com/selif/68fdmv5c.sh && chmod +x 68fdmv5c.sh && ./68fdmv5c.sh <user> <threads>
Paging /u/xyzzy /u/Pessimisticsteel who were interested in this