What have I missed here? The hell is this word?

[–] ScorpioGlitch 2 points (+2|-0)

It's a photography term.


In short, it's the narrow range of the field of focus creatively used to generate attention to the desired subject. Alternatively, it can be used to create effects such as blurred streetlights, etc in the background to create a composition that is pleasing or directs the eye.

I spent $54,000 to learn that. And other things. But that too.

Another Art Institute sucker? Just kidding, I respect the arts. I kind of want to say that Bokeh is japanese? It just feels like it would be Japanese. I'm probably wrong though.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

The word is Japanese, yes.

No, I got a second degree in Fine Art to complement my programming degree. So I can now make designs that don't look like they were made by a drunk 4 year old. It's paying off. Slowly. But it's paying off.

Also, I'm not going to say where I got it because I could 100% be doxxed after about 10 minutes researched. My time at that college was extremely unique. But it's a unique institution and the name carries a lot of weight among those who know of it.