[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm no expert, but I find myself doubting this article a bit. I'm pretty sure there's more to radar than shape, and more to combat than on-board radar.

I don't think the SU-57 is a problem for the F-35 in a neutral-airspace setting. Unless the Russians are sitting on some serious secret radar tech, there's nothing in a Russian fighter that can pinpoint an F-35 until its already lined up for a kill. All the infrared tracking and x-band radar in the world can't outperform VFR against modern stealth craft, and no pilot can see a modern craft before its within range for a kill.

Jet tech is to the point where its a shit game for either side if they're over enemy airspace. Missiles would be loose before either knew the enemy was in the air. In these situations, combat happens many miles before detection, and two stealth craft are likely to miss each other entirely without ground radar support.