It's more like a self-game, from what I understand; I'm at work and didn't want to download the PDF onto my work computer, so I can't say for sure.
Theoretically, you are a military professional (likely an officer, but not necessarily) or someone who keeps up and is interested in military matters. You then "play" this scenario by yourself, deciding how you would act in a given theoretical strategic (or possibly tactical) scenario. It should take about an hour to finish; you then crowdsource your results with other professionals from all over the world (other branches, nations, and so on), and it seems some kind of insight or observation should be made based on different individuals' results based on what they did and how things came out as a result.
It's unclear just from reading the front if it's a competitive game, where two players collectively decide what to do for each force, or if you play it as individuals and then the game itself provides a kind of narrative or solution to whatever strategies you throw out.
Just reading the blurb on this particular game itself seems to be a bit beyond my abilities, making it difficult to actually engage in unless you are an actual military serviceman or otherwise extremely knowledgeable about military matters.
Yeah, I will when I get home too.
EDIT: Looks like you can just click on the PDF link and you'll see it without a download. Not at all what I thought it was, which makes sense, in its own way.
Basically it's more like a question-and-answer format, where the scenario asks you what you plan to do in detail; once finished, you then send it in for analysis and whatnot. This seems borderline impenetrable to me personally, as I have decent but not extensive knowledge of military things, and this scenario would seem to demand that.
Although, I imagine you could still feel free to try and send your results in to see what the gentleman on the other end thinks.
So am I getting this right and this is actually a game you can participate in?