
Where's the banter? Where's the action? Is everyone here just a bunch of teens trying to be edgy?

Where's the banter? Where's the action? Is everyone here just a bunch of teens trying to be edgy?


[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0)

I've donated hundreds of dollars to voat and have merch. I'm sad about it too. It would take a lot of time and money to instantly take that traffic. We weren't ready for this either. We've helped over a dozen sites get going, in multiple countries and multiple languages, but it's never enough for everyone, people will always get pissed that we didn't do more. There's already multiple threads targeting us because we didn't instantly bend over and take it.

[–] bosunmoon [OP] -2 points (+0|-2)

That's why i said "get ready we're going in dry". You clearly didn't prepare your assholes.

[–] pembo210 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

The last few hours, the admins/devs have been talking about launching a few new sites in a few places to help, either turn them over to the mods from voat or just leave them open. I'm willing to cover a bunch of the costs. I never said we're not doing anything. Quit being a cunt.