[–] bosunmoon -3 points (+1|-4)

You people closed registration like a bunch of pussies. Are you afraid of getting your feelings hurt or are just protecting this bastion of squabbling zoomers?

[–] pembo210 7 points (+7|-0) Edited

here's our code - https://github.com/Phuks-co/throat

stop pretending to be a victim and Learn to Code

host your own site and do whatever you want

poal did it, you can too

[–] bosunmoon -2 points (+1|-3)

I'm not a victim I'm a refugee.
Plus I only know real trades that are tangible. Put your fear aside and welcome the goats.(just not the Qtards)

[–] PuttIt0ut -1 points (+2|-3)

I am here now my children. You are safe.

[–] Justintoxicated 7 points (+7|-0)

Well I guess it has come full circle. I feel for Put, even if his site turned to shit the guy worked hard and built something that meant something to a lot of people.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+2|-1)

Too bad he neglected to excise the tumors when they began. He might have still had a decent site had he squashed the alt-haters.

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