Most people who went to Voat years ago remember their well known resident spammer/troll, Amalek.
Amalek would generally post long incoherent/autistic rants against the Jews ad nauseam until his account got banned and he had to create a new one (this happened almost daily).
Amalek was for the most part a novelty, a person with too much time on his hands that spent every waking hour spamming Voat. He was the bane of the admins existence as he was considered the most successful spammer. Most folks would downvoat him or troll him for the hell of it.
However if you go to Voat now you see his style of autistic anti-Jew rant that would once have been downvoated to oblivion now makes up a big portion of the top content on Voat.
So did Amalek win?
I was actually thinking about this the other day. I've seen sites highly upvoated there that are known Russian fakes and quite a bit of content that is completely unverifiable. Also memes/content that was produced/shared by groups that are known to be foreign actors.