[–] Justintoxicated 2 points (+2|-0)

If someone feels it's okay to click on a post with n*gger in the title while at work, I don't see why it needs an imposed flair.

I don't think most people who want to keep their jobs would intentionally click on that, however just having that word on the screen could pretty easily get you fired.. Technically the "block NSFW posts" is to allow work browsing without fear of get fired for content, the tag exists because not everyone is a college kid that can sit on their ass browsing the internet and complaining about jews.

[–] PhuksMulder 3 points (+3|-0)

Eh, I've had editorials from Ann Coulter flaired as "not news" over here. Never happens w/ any liberal opinion pieces. She even took the time to lay out her opinion by citing statistics. Oh well.

The problem here is that Puttitout did it in v/whatever.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 6 points (+6|-0)

Which is a default sub and subject to site rules and admin policy (unlike a non-default sub). Did anyone commenting in this whole post even read PuttItOut's explanation? It makes complete sense especially in the context of keeping NSFW content off /v/all if NSFW setting is set to filter it out.

[–] PhuksMulder 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I don't post in s/news which is a major sub here. I won't go as far to say they're wrong but on a fundamental level I don't agree. People all have their opinions. There's no accounting for taste. Mine or anyone else's. It is pretty obvious though you can't have "nigger" on your screen in a multicultural work environment.

I truly hate saying this, but I feel it's important to mention, Sanegoat was right.

[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0)

Wait was that guy trying to make an actual point about something? I thought he was just special.

What was he trying to tell us?

[–] Sarcastaway 3 points (+3|-0)

I think he eventually evolved into a parody of himself, but he definitely had a core message about that site being subverted by its own management.

From what I could gather from Sangoats posts, his main message was that broccoli is evil and Cabbage is the second coming of Jesus.

[–] PhuksMulder 4 points (+4|-0)

I miss the chats w/ sanegoatiswear. He invested a lot of time trying to convince me he was posting from antarctica. I never contradicted him. I just kinda let him go w/ it. Was pretty fun.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

I legit don't believe that account is run by the same person it was a couple years ago.

I agree 100%

The account went from being mostly inactive and never interfered to being highly active and interfering constantly. If the account became socially active, but maintained the noninterference then I wouldn't question the authenticity of the account. But the behavior of the account has been way too different from the usual "Puttitout."