[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

It's a troll account.

[–] Hitchens 2 points (+2|-0)

Even though it’s a troll it got my brain thinking about bitcoin and Voat again. How much did he get? Has there ever been a transparent record for Voats donation drive?

[–] PMYA 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

It's hard to say. We did look into it a while ago and they had different donation addresses, plus crypto went up a ton, then went down a ton. Their hosting estimates have also fluctuated, and I'm not sure how much they're paying for hosting anymore. At one point around a year or more ago, they were 5k in the red every month, so who knows.

Puttitout has also had a few "we're about to run out of funding" posts that have had basically no followup on specifics of anything financial. Whether the situation is good or bad, I don't trust him to be completely transparent or honest about funding anymore.

[–] Hitchens 1 points (+1|-0)

My trust left when Atko left. I should of left at that time too instead I needed a few more death rattles to get me gone.