[–] COFfeebreak 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

While there is some valid concerns, and possibly cause for anger, remember that most likely Phuks and/or Poal wouldn't be here today if not for Voat. The problems at Voat were definitely an impetus for these sites, and a great learning tool. It's shouldn't be a cult thing for any site, and while a little complaining/venting is good, there's room for all the free-as-possible speech sites that we can get.

If Putt has any concern for Voat left, he's reading these comments on these other sites. Hopefully he will take some this to heart if he is.

[–] Hitchens [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

remember that most likely Phuks and/or Poal wouldn't be here today if not for Voat.

You can start a pretty long list of firsts if you start that line of thinking. Let's go all the way back to digg and so on.

If Putt has any concern for Voat left, he's reading these comments on these other sites.

I'm pretty sure the return of chat was due to this. One look at Poal and Phuks and you'll see that chat is a powerful selling point to users.