My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions.

For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses?

My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled.

Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.

My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions. For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses? My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled. Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.


[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0)

I have an inkling he is just in a very bad space personally. It pretty obvious he dislikes what the site has become as well.

[–] Hitchens [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I believe that too.

I was reading in one of his posts the other day (wish I could remenber where so I could link it) but he basically was talking about how Atko and him decided to purge mods that took over one of the hate subs. They debated about just ignoring it and maybe that would make the hate speakers leave but they believed in free speech so much that they couldn't do it and stepped in to help the hate sub. To me that truly speaks volumes about the burden he and Atko took on.

The two of them really were so much more active a couple years ago but as the hate speech took over and the Trump Alt Right took over their participation slowly went away.

I believe Atko thought things would stay small like phuks is now and that the userbase wouldn't be over taken buy extremists.

Edit: my grammar is horrible today.