My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions.

For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses?

My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled.

Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.

My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions. For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses? My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled. Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.


[–] chmod 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

I have refused to log in again since Friday, April 27th, except for once, in another vain attempt to delete my account.

I have nothing to hide on Voat. I've done nothing, nor posted anything I'm even remotely worried about.

Based on conversations since my little tantrum, I'm convinced that the site has been purchased by a third party and Putt and Atko are under NDAs at this time. Which makes the canary meaningless because it's not Justin or Atif.

I'm actually not trying to delete my account anymore. Just so no one can grab /v/chmod. We all know sub transfer is broken. I may go back sometime in the far distant future.

Or not. Hell, it's the internet. Who knows. I like it here and will stay. This feels like the old Voat.

[–] Throwaway 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

I understand completely and I am sorry if I made it sound like I was inferring you had anything to hide.

Personally the only thing that I am worried about would be guilt by sheer association and association alone. I mainly stayed in the Traditional Wives sub so my comments, posts, were definitely nothing controversial or political, etc...

I honestly just wanted to mention it to you in case you were still looking for a way to delete and in case anyone else was either. I don’t know if it would work for others, especially since I received such a different error message.

And, as I stated previously, even though it probably doesn’t mean much if anything coming from an internet stranger I just also wanted to say thank you for your posts over there.

I am done with Voat and I am pretty much done being on the internet at this time. My nerves can’t handle the drama.

I appreciate your taking the time to reply. Thank you.

[–] Hitchens [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

guilt by sheer association and association alone I’m with you on that.

My voat account was extremely vanilla and had no affiliation with anything controversial but as time went on and more extreme posts were being posted I started to feel guilty that I was giving content to that site.

[–] Throwaway 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

That is the only thing that has me frightened. I didn’t want to fear monger or be accused of it, prior to the outage I had taken a step back anyway and was then involved in an accident... so I just stayed away from the site alrogether. Didn’t comment, etc...

This place seems nice but I am so stressed that I am seriously going to get off the internet altogether for a bit.

I just wanted to throw out my experience with deleting my account in case it may be of any help to anyone. Also, honestly curious if someone (anyone) else got the same error message I did. Should have taken a screen shot of it but it’s hard to think when you are in ongoing full panic mode.

I don’t think anyone is really going to be interested in my asking for help in making jelly or Empress sharing a cake recipe with me.

I made more social type of comments (rather than political) like anti feminism type of comments. Nothing radical or extreme like gas this group or kill all of that group, etc....

But I can see where certain thngs could be taken completely out of context and turned/used against me especially stating out right that I am against modern feminism.

I actually only made my newer account because of Empress. Her sub was absolutely positive and encouraging and she was so welcoming.

It seemed that it got to the point where even she couldn’t keep all the nastiness out... being attacked for giving out relationship, marriage, and social advice and holding a “traditional” family values type of view??? Seriously?

Edited because apparently I am full of typos today. Also, scary thing is is you just do a random web search asking what is Voat like, etc... basically I got back at ton of comments from various sites stating outright that it is a Nazi sympathizer site. Ughhhh.... wait, no, not what I went for.