My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions.

For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses?

My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled.

Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.

My theory is difficult to test but I want to believe that users unable to delete their accounts isn't from malicious intentions. For those Phukers who have tried and failed at deleting their account; did you post or comment in disabled subverses? My theory is that the deletion code can't run properly if you posted in subs that are now disabled. Have no idea how a coder would fix that problem without reopening all the disabled subs.


[–] Hitchens [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

unnecessarily complicated That sounds like most of Putts work as of late.

I have messaged him about this issue but my chances of winning the lottery are better then hearing back from him.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)
[–] Hitchens [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Thank you PMYA. I appreciate that you posted your findings in voatdev.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

I would have given you credit for it being your hypothesis, but I don't know what your Voat name is, and I'm not really ecstatic about linking Phuks on Voat for a number of reasons.