I'm concerned that I'm actually loosing IQ points from my time over there, but I can't seem to stop myself returning.

Anyone else?

I'm concerned that I'm actually loosing IQ points from my time over there, but I can't seem to stop myself returning. Anyone else?


[–] Violentlight 1 points (+1|-0)

I think that a little inconvenience is fine for freedom. I don't think the size of a sub should matter. The only thing that I think matters is if its a default or not. Default basically has it under the admins rules and guidelines.

We can always say how much we want every sub to be the communities. But the censorship tools come from the top. At any point the admins could just change their minds and start censoring the whole site.

There are very little, if any, places on the internet you can go that is not censored. Its a clusterfuck, but the beginning of the internet was always a clusterfuck. I want uncensored clusterfuck back. I want to be the one who chooses where I go. I want to choose what I see. I don't want people telling me what I should see anymore. I don't want people telling me what is "right" anymore.

In any situation where a sub gets crazy because some mod is an asshole. I think it is totally worth the hassle to have the option to move somewhere else. Anyone who stays must enjoy it.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

We have a different idea of 'default' subs. I think many subs that get popular/successful enough could be promoted to 'defaults' and those that are defaults now could be demoted later. Defaults at Voat and Phuks are different, and you can expect them to keep changing.

I think referring to freedom as you do is oversimplified. To give mods too much freedom would be to restrict the freedom of users - and I prefer user freedom over mod freedom. Censorship doesn't just come from admins, it comes from mods as well if you give them the option/power to heavily censor others.

I don't want people telling me what I should see anymore. I don't want people telling me what is "right" anymore.

There will be mods who restrict what you see and tell you what is right (if you let them).

Take /s/Canada for example. If that was someday taken over by an asshole mod, users are kind of screwed. People will come to the site and check "Canada" and will find the asshole sub-squatting - sure, users in the know might start up /s/Canada_II or /s/Canuckistan, but it's not the same. It really wouldn't be worth screwing over the site and users to defend the asshole mod's 'freedom'.

We can just agree to disagree on this if you like. It's been interesting to get your point of view anyway.

[–] Violentlight 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh we certainly disagree. But thats fine. At least we can discuss it. I was already a tricky Rabbi by now...