[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

It does at least force mods to give a reason other than ".", as @xyzzy said, but that's as far as it goes. If I banned someone and did not give a reason, there would be a discussion about it that would either result in a reason being given or my removal on the sub. With this, you just click something from a drop down menu and then nothing happens beyond that.

Plus there are reasons for being banned that can not be summed up in a broad definition. We banned people from /v/ModernPowers for very specific and unique reasons that would never come up on other subs.

It does at least force mods to give a reason other than "."

I don't think it does. it just replaces '.' with 'Default reason #1'.

Plus there are reasons for being banned that can not be summed up in a broad definition

That's the big one to me. We always tried to avoid bans, and when we did it was for very specific reasons after attempting a case by case solution. Something like this would have reduced clarity, not increased it.