[–] PMYA 4 points (+4|-0) 8 years ago

This could actually be a bad thing. Puttitout kind of has to monetise the site somehow now someone has put so much money into it.

Will that happen?

[–] xyzzy 2 points (+2|-0) 8 years ago

That's the big problem for all "social media" websites. It's nice but there is no income. The same will happen here if there will be more active users.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 3 points (+3|-0) 8 years ago

Ugh. Is possible to get cancer of the eye balls from simply reading comments? Because I fear that may have just happened.

Voats community is such a clusterfuck of shit heads now. I mean, they have been for awhile. But it seems to have seriously concentrated to the creme de le creme of the most insufferable individuals at this point.