[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0) 8 years ago

It's sad really, I like those guys and many folks on Voat. I support free speech completely and believe in their mission however "free speech" does not mean putting up with everybody's crap. Sometimes you have to protect the platform, which means telling some subs "take it private" and telling some people to "settle the fuck down", they both wanted to be members of the community first and owners second so when they made decisions based on pleasing vocal factions it drove good users away. Sometimes you have to lay down the law and make users know "hey you can do this stuff in this sub but in another sub it's inappropriate" or "your group is fucking up the user experience here, brigade again you're banned". It's not like 4chan where mods are just like "fuck you for the lulz, japanese porn pays our bills".