I got my medical card last week and smoked for the first time over the weekend. I enjoyed it a lot.
It helped relieve a lot of the anxiety that has been growing over the last month.
I got my medical card last week and smoked for the first time over the weekend. I enjoyed it a lot.
It helped relieve a lot of the anxiety that has been growing over the last month.
Well, yeah. But I want to focus on positive stuff. It felt amazing. I floated in a pool chair for a couple hours while my husband and the kids splashed around. It was soooo nice. I've never felt exactly like that. The music was so vibrant and the kid's laughter was like chimes.
My oncologist once told me she couldn't prescribe cannabis during my chemo treatment because they hadn't figured out the dosage yet. Most doctors are not up on all the benefits.
It is good to see it is becoming more available and user friendly.
NY has been in the biz for quite some time. Technically though, I really didn't need it. The GKS and extra rad were enough <finger-crossed> to take care of the tumors. I'm just hoping for a return to my normal without needing any real surgery. If the swelling gets bad I may need a shunt for awhile.
I'm almost certain that my oncologist partakes :-)
Oh, your oncologist partakes; perfect. You can have the conversation about wellness.
I found when I keep the food and beverages clean and simple; inflammation calms; you got this.
LOLS, my only real food vice is an almost overwhelming desire to drink maple syrup. I do love a good piece of fried cod or haddock, but only once in awhile. Otherwise, I eat the same low cholesterol, low-fat, low-sodium diet as my husband.
I reckon you have reasons to be anxious.