You would have your mind blown by the kind of crap they used to put on posters in the classroom when I was in 6th grade(in the 70s). And the cop with long hair used to come in with various drug paraphenalia attached to a poster board for us all to pass around so we could learn what to stay away from, I guess. Little confiscated pipes that actually smelled like weed residue and were coated with resin and shit. Poster of a chick wearing bell-bottoms, hunched by a wall, "Acid Burns." Totally made me scared of drugs ... NOT! Sixth grade, sex and drug infomercials all over the middle school walls. Just WTF? Thanks for explaining what's cool and fun, school administrators. I can count my pubes and I really need to know how to smoke weed and what acid is.
You tried to email my anus? Just ew.
Idk what kind of weed this is but it sounds like a fun time.