Nice. This is looking very good.
They aren't just friendly to Marijuana, the campaigned on it. The public is receptive to normalizing it.

When I was young, I would have bet anything that Canada would legalize before the US. But things have turned around rapidly in the south recently. We won't be far behind, but officially I guess the Americans win this race.
Good job.

[–] simone [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I am extremely optimistic about the future of marijuana. States can't deny the money revenue other legalized states have shown. Stop incarcerating and spending millions on bullshit marijuana charges and start making your state money!

States can't deny the money revenue

I think that is probably the most critical element for the speed it has taken. Combine it with cops realizing that is makes friday/saturday nights much easier to deal with, and usage actually dropping amongst youth, opiate ODs down, etc. makes it very hard for anyone to argue morality or cry "think of the children'.

[–] simone [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

If people really "thought of the children" they''d be more worried about opiates then weed. The opiate epidemic is taking over and states need to put their resources to that instead of archaic marijuana laws.