The windchill is -5° (using the wind charts and the lying wind data as it's much windier up here, it's probably actually lower by a good 10°) and it is snowing. Alas, it's not snowing hard enough to really call it a good storm - yet. But, it has signs of becoming one.

It's not really a good blizzard until the house starts rumbling and visibility is measured in feet.

Winter is here, even if the calendar disagrees.

The windchill is -5° (using the wind charts and the lying wind data as it's much windier up here, it's probably actually lower by a good 10°) and it is snowing. Alas, it's not snowing hard enough to really call it a good storm - yet. But, it has signs of becoming one. It's not really a good blizzard until the house starts rumbling and visibility is measured in feet. Winter is here, even if the calendar disagrees.


[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

A teacher in highschool once told me "Don't do stupid shit!" It took many years of bad decisions but it has finally sunk in.

The cops these days are horrible, especially in my small city. If I had ever been caught, I know for a fact they would have thrown the book at me. I was known for sneaking out at the right time, or just straight up running faster than them.

My parents told me stories of my dad getting off on a drunk driving charge because my Mom agreed to drive home home, even though she was way more drunk.

The lack of leeway from the cops has really shaped me into disrespecting law enforcement.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

The lack of leeway from the cops has really shaped me into disrespecting law enforcement.

I took my sleep meds like 30 minutes ago, so I can really just say 'roger that.'

I've got a couple of stories that relate.

And, I don't dislike/disrespect all officers. I save some blame for the judicial system and I've generally had pleasant experiences with the police.

I have noticed that the cops are very, very different now that I live in a rather remote location. If you want to avoid dick cops, moving to a more remote location might be an option?