[–] xyzzy [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

But why wasn't the person using a VPN?

Why would you? Most of those VPN providers are shady as fuck. They'll have to hand over your personal data as much as Comcast does if they're based in the same country, or their payment processor is, or probably their exit node, or ...

VPN's are just for cyber criminals.

No, VPN's are for when you trust the end point.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

VPNs are for when you'd rather that your ISP has no record of your internet travels.

Choosing a US-based VPN provider is a foolish action. They will, in fact, roll over on you in a heartbeat, just as you said.

(That should have read "aren't." I miss the "n't" a lot on this keyboard.)