That's the most I've ever seen on one ballot.

That's the most I've ever seen on one ballot.


[–] CDanger 2 points (+2|-0)

Good, I refuse to ever vote for "the lesser of two evils". I don't want those a-holes to represent me or have my support in any way, so I'll only vote for candidates that I would actually want to represent me, regardless of how likely they are thought to win.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

I think this mindset is the key to kicking out one or both of the ruling parties.

If you're teaching a classroom full of children, and you're taking a vote on what to do for recess, a wise teacher will have the kids put their heads down while voting. This is because people (not just kids) want to fit in, so a blind vote will ensure a somewhat unbiased survey. However if you take a normal vote one day, and a blind vote on the same question the next day, the blind vote no longer makes any difference.

Point is, we as a country have already taken a heads-up vote, and the in-group mentality had already taken hold. The only way to make a new option viable is for people to take a risk of alienating themselves from their peers, and give onlookers a new in-group option. Once this takes hold, the bandwagon effect manages the rest.