It's not urgent for me, but I have a bad habit of wasting time. How can I learn a language faster?

It's not urgent for me, but I have a bad habit of wasting time. How can I learn a language faster?


Immerse yourself in it.
A child can become fluent in 30 days if you drop them off in a foreign country, alone. I've been able to learn a bit of Cantonese by spending time in Cantonese speaking areas. I wasn't trying to learn, it seems to have just been absorbed.

But I only speak one language fluently, so I may not be the best for advice.

[–] Skyrock 2 points (+2|-0)
  1. Don't pick German.
  2. Don't pick German.
  3. Don't pick German.

Mark Twain warned you that it would take three lifetimes to learn it, and as a native speaker I can confirm. Still in the first third of my lifetime and I can only speak it like a toddler. Ask me again 150 years after my death.

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

I'll tell you what would help me... if I could find some fucking curriculum. 13 years in public education means I can't learn something like this without clear structure.

[–] AP 0 points (+0|-0)

Duolingo for vocab, a secondary grammar source, a bit of media, and constant application of the language from day 1. Don't worry about sounding stupid, the practice is worth it.