[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

NK would never use nukes unless they're invaded. Their program is actually entirely rational given the constant US threats and history of "regime change". It says a lot that a rational, defensive program like theirs gets the attention while Israel's gets billions of dollars from the US for more weapons. NK generate tons of "scary" headlines about missile tests that the media absolutely loves. NK then gets some sanctions lifted in negotiations, and Lockheed gets some more weapons contracts. It's win-win.

Not that it changes anything about your point, but I believe the reasonable estimates of the size of Israel's covert and illegal nuclear program place it between 100 and 200 warheads. Then there is Israel's chemical and biological weapons program, but I'm not as familiar with the size of those.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

place it between 100 and 200 warheads

That could be the number, I read 1000+ before but who knows since they still deny it publicly.

Then there is Israel's chemical and biological weapons program

I would think they would test these in Syria, Egypt and Jordan first, but bio weapons are really hard to control once released. China still has problems from plague fleas Japan released during WWII while testing their weapons. It's a miracle that the one sub commander surrendered to the US before they were supposed to drop a plague flea bomb in San Francisco.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

That's an interesting bit of history. Of course I knew about Japan's "innovative" scientific work with Unit 731, but I didn't know about the current plague or the Japanese submarine. Surrendering like that is quite un-Japanese. Undoubtedly the commander brought great dishonor on his ancestors.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

The Japanese sub is interesting for many reasons, partially because the submarine carried 2 aircraft that could launch once it surfaced. That is one of the most interesting designs of WWII weapons imo, especially when you equip them with devastating bio weapons.