[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

I never took them, went to community college and busted my ass. Based on my hard work/performance at a CC I got into a 4 year program at top private university.

I do see a need for schools to have a standardized ranking criteria independent of grades/rankings by high schools (as the the standards between schools will vary so greatly the data is almost useless).

I would imagine that things like volunteer work and outside experience (like an actual job) would help make up for lower SAT scores.

I do think there is an issue with how SAT scores factor in to many discriminatory policies held by schools (particularly against Asians)

[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I think standardized testing has serious problems considering entire industries formed around preparing solely for those tests. They aren't necessarily the best measure. Good on you though busting your ass at CC to get into a good university.