[The following is from Anthony Loyd’s incredible contemporary account on his experiences during the Bosnian War.]
The two sides of the tower visible from our position almost never changed their appearance: the front was a wide expanse of black and twisted window frames, the southern side a concrete Emmental of shellholes from tanks. There was only one time I can remember it ever looking different. Some Muslim soldiers had crawled up to the top at night and unfurled a long banner down the side of the building that directly faced the Serbs. ‘DON’T WORRY BY HAPPY’ it read vertically in letters each a metre high. The Serbs shot it to ribbons the next morning. I could never work out if this meant that they had got the joke or not.
Loyd, Anthony. “1.” My War Gone By, I Miss It So. Grove Press, 2014. 11. Print.
They must not like Bobby Faren's song.