Although the Reagans professed to be very religious, they almost never went to church. But for their 1980 campaign, arrangements were made for them to attend an Episcopal service in Virginia. As they were about to take communion, Nancy asked Mike Deaver, “Are those people drinking out of the same cup?”

He explained that they would be given wafers first and they would dip it into the cup. Reagan couldn’t hear these instructions and was asking, “What? What?”

To which Nancy responded, “Ron, just do exactly as I do.” As the tray of wafers came by, she took one, dipped it in the chalice, accidentally dropped it in the wine, and turned to Deaver with a horrified expression.

Reagan promptly took the host, dipped it, and dropped it into the wine as well.

Deaver said, “I watched the minister move on, shaking his head, staring at these blobs of gunk floating in the wine.”


Stephens, John Richard. “American Presidents.” Weird History 101: Tales of Intrigue, Mayhem, and Outrageous Behavior. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2006. 262. Print.

Further Reading:

Nancy Davis Reagan (born Anne Frances Robbins

Michael Keith Deaver

Ronald Wilson Reagan

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>Although the Reagans professed to be very religious, they almost never went to church. But for their 1980 campaign, arrangements were made for them to attend an Episcopal service in Virginia. As they were about to take communion, [Nancy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Nancy_Reagan.jpg) asked [Mike Deaver](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Michael_Deaver_1981_BW.jpg), “Are those people drinking out of the same cup?” >He explained that they would be given wafers first and they would dip it into the cup. [Reagan](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg) couldn’t hear these instructions and was asking, “What? What?” >To which Nancy responded, “Ron, just do exactly as I do.” As the tray of wafers came by, she took one, dipped it in the chalice, accidentally dropped it in the wine, and turned to Deaver with a horrified expression. >Reagan promptly took the host, dipped it, and dropped it into the wine as well. >Deaver said, “I watched the minister move on, shaking his head, staring at these blobs of gunk floating in the wine.” ______________________ **Source:** Stephens, John Richard. “American Presidents.” *Weird History 101: Tales of Intrigue, Mayhem, and Outrageous Behavior*. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2006. 262. Print. ______________________ **Further Reading:** [Nancy Davis Reagan (born Anne Frances Robbins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Reagan) [Michael Keith Deaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Deaver) [Ronald Wilson Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan) ___________________________ **If you enjoy this type of content, please consider donating to my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/HistoryLockeBox)!**

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