[The following takes place during the First Battle of Old Camp.]

On the heels of the failed German night assault, Civilis sent a two-storeyed siege tower against the fort’s praetorian gate. But as weak as they were, the legionaries used long poles to collapse the tower, crushing many besiegers. A defender also created a crane-like device via which a net would drop down and snare one or more attackers then fly back up; by shifting weights, legionaries then flung ensnared rebels inside the fort, to meet waiting defenders’ blades.


Dando-Collins, Stephen. “Part III: The Battles – The Civilis Revolt.” Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion. Thomas Dunne Books, 2012. 330. Print.

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[**The following takes place during the First Battle of Old Camp.**] >On the heels of the failed German night assault, Civilis sent a two-storeyed siege tower against the fort’s praetorian gate. But as weak as they were, the legionaries used long poles to collapse the tower, crushing many besiegers. A defender also created a crane-like device via which a net would drop down and snare one or more attackers then fly back up; by shifting weights, legionaries then flung ensnared rebels inside the fort, to meet waiting defenders’ blades. _______________________ **Source:** Dando-Collins, Stephen. “Part III: The Battles – The Civilis Revolt.” *Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion*. Thomas Dunne Books, 2012. 330. Print. ___________________________ **If you enjoy this type of content, please consider donating to my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/HistoryLockeBox)!**

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