Some were impressed by the literary, political, and social clubs that grew up during the first two decades of the century, with names such as the Saturday Club, White’s, and the Golden Fleece. Special-interest clubs included the Lying club and the Mollies Clubs, where young men dressed up as women, sipped gin, and presented to each other lines such as, “Tell me, gentle hobdehoy, Art thou girl, or art thou boy?” The London Weekly Journal in 1720 described how members of one club, the Bold Bucks, “attempt all Females of their own Species promiscuously… Blind and Bold Love is their motto.”
Olasky, Marvin. “Golden Chains.” Fighting for Liberty and Virtue: Political and Cultural Wars in Eighteenth-Century America. Crossway Books, 1995. 50. Print.
Original Source(s) Listed:
Donald McCormick, The Hell-Fire Club (London: Jarrolds, 1958), 14.
Weekly Journal, 20 February 1720, 380-81; cited in Louis C. Jones, The Clubs of the Georgian Rakes (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), 37.
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