When he asked his guide what he wanted for taking him over the mountains, he was told that, at twenty-two, all he desired was ‘the happiness of those who possessed a good house, a number of cattle, sheep, etc.’ which he needed in order to marry his girlfriend.

When, having ordered that he be given 60,000 francs to purchase all those things, Napoleon discovered that the lad was twenty-seven, already married and owned his own house, he gave him 1,200 francs instead.


Roberts, Andrew. "Marengo." Napoleon: A Life. New York: Penguin, 2014. 256. Print.

Original Source(s) Listed:

ed. North, Napoleon on Elba p. 62.

Uffindell, Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo p. 31.

Further Reading:

Napoleone di Buonaparte / Napoléon Bonaparte / Napoleon I

>When he asked his guide what he wanted for taking him over the mountains, he was told that, at twenty-two, all he desired was ‘the happiness of those who possessed a good house, a number of cattle, sheep, etc.’ which he needed in order to marry his girlfriend. >When, having ordered that he be given 60,000 francs to purchase all those things, [Napoleon](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Jacques-Louis_David_-_The_Emperor_Napoleon_in_His_Study_at_the_Tuileries_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg) discovered that the lad was twenty-seven, already married and owned his own house, he gave him 1,200 francs instead. _______________________ **Source:** Roberts, Andrew. "Marengo." *Napoleon: A Life*. New York: Penguin, 2014. 256. Print. **Original Source(s) Listed:** ed. North, *Napoleon on Elba* p. 62. Uffindell, *Napoleon’s Chicken Marengo* p. 31. _____________________ **Further Reading:** [Napoleone di Buonaparte / Napoléon Bonaparte / Napoleon I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon)

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