[The following is in regards to the coronation of the Brazilian Emperor Dom Pedro II; specifically, it refers to the ladies who were hoping to have their hair done for the day of the coronation.]

It was said that, because there were so few French coiffeurs and they couldn’t attend all their clients in time, some ladies who had had their hair done on the previous day had slept fully dressed, leaning back on cushions, so as not to spoil their elaborate hairdos.


Gledson, John, and Lilia Moritz. Schwarcz. “The Little Big King.” The Emperor's Beard: Dom Pedro II and the Tropical Monarchy of Brazil. New York: Hill and Wang, 2004. 56. Print.

[**The following is in regards to the coronation of the Brazilian Emperor Dom Pedro II; specifically, it refers to the ladies who were hoping to have their hair done for the day of the coronation.**] >It was said that, because there were so few French coiffeurs and they couldn’t attend all their clients in time, some ladies who had had their hair done on the previous day had slept fully dressed, leaning back on cushions, so as not to spoil their elaborate hairdos. ______________________________ **Source:** Gledson, John, and Lilia Moritz. Schwarcz. “The Little Big King.” *The Emperor's Beard: Dom Pedro II and the Tropical Monarchy of Brazil*. New York: Hill and Wang, 2004. 56. Print.

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