One afternoon, shortly after marrying Cal, Mrs. Coolidge saw him coming home from his law office carrying an odd-looking and ancient russet-colored bag. When he opened it for her, she found it crammed with men’s socks, all in need of repair. Mrs. Coolidge counted them; there were fifty-two pairs. After mending them, she asked whether he had married her just to get his stockings darned.

”No,” he said quite seriously, “but I find it mighty handy.”


Boller, Paul F. “Calvin Coolidge.” Presidential Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1981. 236-37. Print.

Original Source(s) Listed:

Ross, Grace Coolidge, 24.

Fuess, Coolidge, 89.

Lathem, Meet Calvin Coolidge, 64.

McCoy, Quiet President, 33-34.

Further Reading:

John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.

Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge

>One afternoon, shortly after marrying [Cal](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Calvin_Coolidge%2C_bw_head_and_shoulders_photo_portrait_seated%2C_1919.jpg), [Mrs. Coolidge](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Grace_Coolidge_1924.jpg) saw him coming home from his law office carrying an odd-looking and ancient russet-colored bag. When he opened it for her, she found it crammed with men’s socks, all in need of repair. Mrs. Coolidge counted them; there were fifty-two pairs. After mending them, she asked whether he had married her just to get his stockings darned. >”No,” he said quite seriously, “but I find it mighty handy.” _____________________________ **Source:** Boller, Paul F. “Calvin Coolidge.” *Presidential Anecdotes*. New York: Oxford UP, 1981. 236-37. Print. **Original Source(s) Listed:** Ross, *Grace Coolidge*, 24. Fuess, *Coolidge*, 89. Lathem, *Meet Calvin Coolidge*, 64. McCoy, *Quiet President*, 33-34. _____________________________ **Further Reading:** [John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_Coolidge) [Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Coolidge)