There were five of them [Isabella’s children]. The Infanta Isabella, born fifteen years before Catherine, was the oldest, and a young lady so preternaturally solemn and unsmiling that the Queen used to refer to her, jestingly, as “my mother-in-law.”


Mattingly, Garrett. “Part I: A Spanish Princess (1485-1509); Chapter 1, Section ii” Catherine of Aragon. New York: Quality Paperback , 1990. 7. Print.

Further Reading:

Isabel I de Castilla / Ysabel I (Isabella I of Castile)

Isabella, Princess of Asturias / Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal

Catalina de Aragón (Catherine of Aragon)

>There were five of them [**Isabella’s children**]. [The Infanta Isabella](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/Isabel_das_Asturias.jpg), born fifteen years before [Catherine](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Catherine_aragon.jpg), was the oldest, and a young lady so preternaturally solemn and unsmiling that [the Queen](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Isabel_la_Cat%C3%B3lica-2.jpg) used to refer to her, jestingly, as “my mother-in-law.” ___________________________ **Source:** Mattingly, Garrett. “Part I: A Spanish Princess (1485-1509); Chapter 1, Section ii” *Catherine of Aragon*. New York: Quality Paperback , 1990. 7. Print. _____________________________ **Further Reading:** [Isabel I de Castilla / Ysabel I (Isabella I of Castile)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_I_of_Castile) [Isabella, Princess of Asturias / Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_of_Aragon,_Queen_of_Portugal) [Catalina de Aragón (Catherine of Aragon)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_of_Aragon)

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