
A 2,100-year-old pit discovered in China was found to contain not only chariots and miniature statues of cavalry, horses, watchtowers, infantry, civil officials and musicians, but at its center was a scaled down version of the famous “Terracotta Army.” “The pit, along with several other archaeological sites, was discovered in the winter of 2007 during construction work” and was excavated by the Cultural Relics Agency of Linzi District of Zibo city. According to an article in Live Science archaeologists from this agency teamed up with researchers from the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and they published a report journal Wenwu, recently translated into English and published in the journal Chinese Cultural Relics.

A 2,100-year-old pit discovered in China was found to contain not only chariots and miniature statues of cavalry, horses, watchtowers, infantry, civil officials and musicians, but at its center was a scaled down version of the famous “[Terracotta Army](https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/miniature-terracotta-army-0010991).” “The pit, along with several other archaeological sites, was discovered in the winter of 2007 during construction work” and was excavated by the Cultural Relics Agency of Linzi District of Zibo city. According to an article in Live Science archaeologists from this agency teamed up with researchers from the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and they published a report journal Wenwu, recently translated into English and published in the journal Chinese Cultural Relics.

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