"According to Honolulu Police Chief Joe Logan, two plain clothes officers with the district one crime reduction taskforce stopped a man who they believed was driving a stolen moped in the parking lot at the Ala Moana Center. The suspect has been identified as 77-year-old Thomas Matias."

Ok, not taking sides but seems odd that plainclothes would stop a guy thinking he had a stolen moped. Maybe they were staking out Ala Moana for theft? I've seen people walking through the lots peering into windows to see if there was any snatchable stuff. If they were, good on HPD.

HPD also admits force was used:

"According to Logan, “physical force” was used during the arrest that caused injuries to Matias' face and torso. “The 77-year-old male was taken to the hospital where he refused treatment and was subsequently booked for unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle and released pending further investigation,” Logan said during the press conference."


"Two days after his arrest, Logan said paramedics and police were called to Matias' home on a medical call. During that call, Matias told first responders that he had been assaulted by police officers two days prior. He was taken to the hospital and upon examination, was found to have multiple rib and facial fractures. Matias left the hospital several hours later that same day. On Jan. 10, he was found dead inside his home."