[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

Good to see you back, buddy. Merry Christmas!

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

I haven't really been around since the last time I was drunk on this very holiday. And, in my defense, I was pretty drunk.

The place is a ghost town. What the hell happened?

I have an ongoing rush of passion into automotive topics and can throw you all some content if it will help? I don't have a lot of time, but I can throw a few hours at it. It's a goddamned shame to see how little material is here lately.

Umm... I accept partial blame because I too stopped posting. In my defense, I had reasons entirely dissociated with this site.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

If you dont sort by /all/new then it will look rather dead

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

I have and it's a few people with a bunch of music being shared. I love me some music, but this is much, much less active than my memory tells me it was.

Now, there's even odds that I'm shitfaced - and I am - and it's legitimately significantly less content than last time. I'm pretty sure I noticed this before I was hammered. I am no longer in a position to vouch for that.

Shit, y'all used to have one guy who kinda hated me 'cause I'm an egotistical person. We didn't get along very well until I told 'em that he was right and that I was, indeed, an egotistical jackass and that I was an egotistical prick because I can be.

We had a good laugh about it. Or at least I did. He seemed to accept it at that point.

My guitar submission would not have been on the front page at all, mostly. It was much busier just a year ago. Or so my head tells me. My head could very well be a dirty rotten liar, as it is infused with Sambuca.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Who is Nadesh? Rando internet person or the wifey? Very soothing voice

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

Voat user, known mostly as "nadeshda" and the singer in the track. I'm the guitar player, she added vocals 'cause I asked her really nice like and appealed to her ego. In my defense, it was successful and the results are pretty sweet.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

She makes it awesome.

Enjoy, you phukers. You need some content anyhow and this is awesome. She made it awesome!