Go listen to the encore that had EH. She is most noticed at the 8 minute mark. Trust me.
And, don't think for a minute that I'd not choose Native American first. Y'all bitch about the white race dying in America and Europe.
That doesn't bother me much. I know what happened to my people. You (figurative) say they didn't have the wheel. They did, as a toy. They didn't need it to accomplish what they accomplished. You're on my land.
I don't begrudge it to you. We're a conquered people. We did better than many. Remember, we own your casinos and bingo halls!
You know I'm 25% native american right? I've mentioned it several times on voat and poal. I actually really appreciate that part of my heritage. Gotta love not getting sun burns. High cheek bones and my hair is fucking epic(This is not be bragging women love my hair).
My wife is white, my kids are white. Almost pure german. With a little native american mixed in.
So I'll say respectfully this is also my land. My grandmother on my fathers side was full blooded native american from northern ohio(not sure which tribe and not for lack of trying its a long horrible story)
My grand mother on my mothers side also full blooded. Northern florida and I never bothered to try and find out what tribe.
If you saw a picture of me its pretty obvious what my ancestry is. I'm also open about this on poal and they still accept me, I think its more about ideas than it is race, I think at the end of the day people just don't want the west to fall. It probably will eventually because there is no reason to think its different than any other society that came before it but I get why people wouldn't want it too.
I don't want it too, I want my kids to grow up in this country that has free speech and free expression and a world where even if they can't afford to go to school they can still make something of them selves. What better world could there be? However in all likely hood it won't last.
Anyway I'm rambling at this point, anyway over all point I'm native american and I have the damn hair skin and cheek bones to prove it.
You liked Hotel California
Send me a PM, right now. Before I fall asleep and sober up. Trust me.
I suppose we all are to some extent but I make it a personal goal to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I absolutely give preferential treatment to my family there is no question there. I would gladly sacrifice the world to save my wife and kids without question.
Listened too nice. gotta say because of the night is my favorite from tonight so far.