I'm going to have to dig into phab again, its kind of fallen on the back burner at the moment. I got excited and side tracked, I'll dig back into it after the holidays are over.
I'm going to have to dig into phab again, its kind of fallen on the back burner at the moment. I got excited and side tracked, I'll dig back into it after the holidays are over.
No hurry! Both sites will benefit from this, I can do most of the backend work for the features in your backburner since I still have to rewrite most of the database code in the backend in the process, some features like the username coloring are really neat and I'd like to port them back to throat
Overall I'm just really happy that Poal is doing well
No hurry! Both sites will benefit from this, I can do most of the backend work for the features in your backburner since I still have to rewrite most of the database code in the backend in the process, some features like the username coloring are really neat and I'd like to port them back to throat
Overall I'm just really happy that Poal is doing well
If you are still interested I'd be game, I just wanted to have my own phab so no matter what I have a good copy.
How'd you get around the requiring an email address to setup phab users thing?