Dickey Betts, whom you may know of as one of the guitarists in the Allman Brothers, had a stroke. He was recovering but then he fell and bumped his head. This made his brain bleed. That's bad.

So, he's at an undisclosed location and listed as 'critical but stable condition.' That actually has some formal meaning - and I could probably ask my daughter, if anyone wants to know. Actually, I suspect Google knows this sort of stuff, now that I think about it.

While he is eventually going to be on the list of guitarists better than Hendrix, I hadn't started the research for the article yet. So, I didn't do that article today. Instead, I wrote a little about Betts and shared some links that folks may want to use, should they want more information. I also included some links to videos with him in them, should anyone wish to listen to some great music this afternoon.


Dickey Betts, whom you may know of as one of the guitarists in the Allman Brothers, had a stroke. He was recovering but then he fell and bumped his head. This made his brain bleed. That's bad. So, he's at an undisclosed location and listed as 'critical but stable condition.' That actually has some formal meaning - and I could probably ask my daughter, if anyone wants to know. Actually, I suspect Google knows this sort of stuff, now that I think about it. While he is eventually going to be on the list of guitarists better than Hendrix, I hadn't started the research for the article yet. So, I didn't do that article today. Instead, I wrote a little about Betts and shared some links that folks may want to use, should they want more information. I also included some links to videos with him in them, should anyone wish to listen to some great music this afternoon. https://playguitar.gq/2018/09/20/dickey-betts-of-allman-brothers-fame/


[–] TheBuddha [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

One of the articles that I read mentions that he is under sedation, so I doubt he's aware of anything at the moment.

But, an email conversation with my daughter tells me that we're pretty good at relieving the pressure from the bleeding and have some pretty advanced techniques for stopping any bleeding - should it be bleeding of the brain itself.

The biggest concern, from her, would be damages to the brain from the pressure, including potential necro(something or other that means dead tissue). She uses big words that I can't spell and spell check doesn't know 'em!

I thought about providing a link the the PG site on MFU, as this may be a subject that interests some readers who don't get exposed to both sites.

[–] COFfeebreak 0 points (+0|-0)

I think that would be a good idea. He's worthy of the attention. Maybe add in some of your comments here to the article also. I'll even let you schedule it for immediate release (power corrupts...) ;-0

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)
[–] COFfeebreak 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Excellent as always. I'm going to reschedule today's song post to allow focus on this, and will post link here and Poal at 16:30. Thanks for doing that.

BTW and off-topic. See bottom of message on email. Somewhat time sensitive.